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Malmsjö GVI

Malmsjo GVI



  • Extended dynamic range recorded through DEF filters.
  • Re-edited pristine samples for use with EQ and convolution.
  • Scalable release samples.
  • Calibrated keyboard responses for a large number of keyboard controllers.
  • Impulse response convolution immediately accessible from the main interface.
  • Scalable intelligent sustain pedal/damper sounds.
  • Switchable high octave dampers.
  • Intuitive interface with direct access to all legacy presets such as the "Dream Piano", MAG X, Midnight Piano etc.
  • Limiter.


The Piano You Heard in the Movies

Malmsjo GVIMalmsjö GVI is based on recordings of an 1894 Malmsjö grand piano and offers a unique sound of the most prominent Swedish piano from this time.

The original recordings were made to specifically render a truthful representation of the most subtle expressions of this piano. With the GVI (Giga Virtual Instrument) version of the Malmsjö sampled piano, DEF filters were introduced to offer an increased dynamic response and all samples were re-edited for optimal performance. This Malmsjö piano sample has been featured in the music of numerous Hollywood feature films, as well as television shows.

The Malmsjö GVI is the most refined version ever of the Malmsjö sampled piano, and an effort has been made to fulfill the potential of the beauty and uniqueness in the original recordings. All presets from previous versions are included, as well as the original Giga version of "Malmsjö Acoustic Grand", which may be converted to EXS24 format. For full specifications of the instrument and its features, please read the manual.


Norwegian composer Edward Grieg characterizing the tone of the Malmsjö grand pianos as "national poetry" in a letter to J.G. Malmsjö in March 4, 1904:

"For many years I have known and admired Malmsjö's grand pianos, and now when I in Gothenburg have been able to renew the acquaintance I just want to say, that a more beautiful grand piano than the one I used at my concerts here one must search a long time to find. It stands completely at the peak of modern piano manufacturing and has furthermore a rather peculiar charm in the tone, which I want to characterize as national poetry, and which rather particularly has enchanted me.

Gothenburg 4/3/04, Edward Grieg"


Malmsjo Grand PianoSwedish composer Hugo Alfvén praises the "dream-like sonority" of the Malmsjö pianos in a letter to the United Piano & Organ Factories Corp. in Leksand, the 24th of October 1931.

...."The hopes, which I then had regarding these grand pianos' durability, particularly regarding the tone quality, has been completely fulfilled. Yes, in some aspects even surpassed."......"The special requirements, which I personally have, as to softness of tone and dream-like sonority, has in this new grand piano been fulfilled in a way, which even surpasses the expectations, that I considered myself entitled to have."

Yours Sincerely,
Hugo Alfvén















Price: US$149.00



Sample Library for Native Instruments' Kontakt software. Please note that this library requires the full version of Kontakt; it cannot be used with the free "Kontakt Player."

Malmsjö GVI was edited with Magix Samplitude Link